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Monday, September 22, 2014

The Weirding Theater Presents White Zombie

No, not the band! This Saturday night at 9:30pm CST, The Weirding Theater Presents watches the 1932 Bela Lugosi movie White Zombie, from which the band got its name. We're not sure why said zombie's heritage was such an issue but let's face it, black zombies just don't sell tickets - even in 1932. The more things change, huh? Sensitive viewers can be assured that racially-inappropriate jokes will be made throughout the viewing. Sensitive zombies probably shouldn't watch at all.

White Zombie officially kicks-off our October-long month o' slashers (we know we did a Devil Flick last week - we were there!) which replaces the "31 Days of Horror Movie Reviews" we've done (with some success, once or twice) the last several years.

So be sure to join us this weekend for The Weirding Theater Presents White Zombie.

© The Weirding, 2014

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