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Friday, April 08, 2016

2 Cool Internet Things and 3 Streaming Media Things

Daredevil Season 2
Daredevil Season 2
It's Friday! So, once again, we have a handful of links to help you through the weekend. Almost all of this week's selections are comics-related.
  1. The preview trailer for the animated adaptation of Batman: The Killing Joke was released over the weekend.
  2. David Apatoff loves great art, and enjoys sharing what he finds on his blog, ILLUSTRATION ART. (This link should have been in the sideboard already, but it got lost in my bookmarks. It has since been added.)
  3. ICYMI, Canadian authorities declassified the personal records of one James Howlett last week.
  4. Daredevil Season 2 is now playing on Netflix. (Image by SpiderMonkey23.)
  5. Pee Wee's Big Holiday is now playing on Netflix, too! AAAAAAHHH! Haha!

© The Weirding, 2016

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