
Saturday, September 02, 2006

New Fantastic Four Just Premiered

And my dumbass managed to miss it!

I woke
up with a crick in my neck and was supposed to go with my neighbor to the grocery store, so I just gave her the money and asked her to pick up a few things for me. She's been gone now since like 1:00 this afternoon. She was going to do her laundry while she was out, but everything around here closes within the hour, so I have no idea where she is or what's going on. I hope everything's okay...

But, I've been watching the Jeffersons marathon on TVLand all day and set a reminder for FF. Then I got busy worrying with her, so I washed the dishes and was just picking up and stuff (I can't eat until she gets back -- nothing's thawed to fix!), and before I realized it, it was 7:20!

I was so mad, I could have spit. But I didn't have a lot of spit because I'd been moving around so much, so I just fumed. Then I had to open some windows.

Anyway, I caught the last 10 minutes of it and it was pretty good... nothing all that special. The animation was decent and the only real gripe I could get out of it was Ben's lack of a New Yock accent. Other than that, I really lament having missed it.

If anyone caught it all the way through, please leave a comment and let me know what you thought. Links to your blog/review welcome!


Mayren said...

In the words of the late Erwin Croc Hunter "CRikEy!"

I can't beleive i missed this FF as well an I have a bloody TiVo.

I feel so robbed. Well noone is perfect right?!? I think my senses were dulled by the massive amounts of Marathons that ran over the holiday weekend.

Manodogs said...

That's what got me. Beans don't burn on the grill. It took a whole lot of what we had, just to get up that hill...

Well, there's nothing else on Saturday nights, so I won't keep missing it, I know that much. I set it in my Calendar too, so I'll get those annoying little pop-ups reminding me, too.

The ten minutes I caught of it looked pretty good, so we'll keep our fingers crossed.