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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Geek TV - Heroes, Hex, Dr. Who

Well, the Heroes season break, or whatever it's called in the TV industry lingo, wasn't a total bust. The story seemed to finally take a minor lurch forward, even if we won't know how it plays out until next year... I was wrong about who died, but I did think about that chick and the nameless black guy that can wipe minds -- I just didn't know they were supposed to be "Heroes." 

I liked that chick though, because she reminds me of a character from a really good series with a similar plot -- one most readers prolly won't remember or have even heard of -- called Psi-Force. It was a New Universe title with a very young Mark Texiera (Tex, later of Ghost Rider fame) on pencils.  New Universe wasn't much, overall, but Psi-Force rocked.

At any rate, I'm jumping back on my High Horse real quick to point-out to the writing team that they have yet to even begin mining Comicdom for storylines and plot points! Much like professional rasslin, they really are like soap operas for guys, and there just isn't much of that on television (excepting the aforementioned), so the comic book cliches have mostly only been used by actual soap operas: 

The "death" of a major character (no body = later to appear); the suspicious "good guy" who turns out to be a plant/brainwashed/maliciously-programmed robot/possessed, etc., etc. (Evil Twin); disappearing powers (Charmed did this one constantly -- well, too); and tons more. In fact, I invite everyone to contribute at least one comic book plot cliche in the comments, if y'all care to play along at home.

At any rate, comics readers expect these cliches, are familiar with them, and enjoy them -- if they're executed well. And, since they haven't really been used like they are in comics, because there hasn't been a show like Heroes outside of animation, they'd be "fresh" and "new" to a lot of the audience. Win-win situation there: Please both the demographic and viewers who don't read comics.

Also, watch
BBCA this Saturday starting at 8:00 PM, CST, for their new Sci-Fi Saturdays, with the first season from the new series of Doctor Who (with Eccleston), followed by our (current) favorite witchy show, Hex! And, if you are a Footballers' Wives fan, you've noticed Cassie's first pretty-boy friend is the cruel stepson! How cool is that? Also, it appears much of The Rundown has chosen Picard as their preferred captain, and Patrick Stewart is starring in a new BBCA sci-fi show on Mondays, Eleventh Hour. I believe it comes on opposite Heroes, so we've got a few weeks to check it out.

If you've caught 10 Items or Less on TBS, check out the janitor. I have no idea who he is nor where he came from, but since I first saw that show the other day, I've been seeing him literally everywhere! Yesterday alone, he was in an episode of Charmed (a really good one, in fact, called "Name That Tune") and an episode of Scrubs. If I catch sight of him on anything else, I'll set-up an "Official Janitor Watch" post, so you can report sightings.

Speaking of "official" events, I have not forgotten Primer Day, simply been too busy putting together the Winter Edition of The Weirding to get around to it. It's still in the works and we'll be making announcements soon.

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