
Saturday, December 02, 2006

RPG Resources @ The Weirding

Since everything is still getting into place and being tested, I wanted to get some content up so y'all have something to do in the meantime. Since I already have a lot of RPG resources available, I just needed to format it and hang it.
It's far from complete and it's not going to be pretty, but the first things up will be Cyberpunk, Dark Conspiracy, and The Weirding's own, free system. That's right, The Weirding is offering an original gaming system for development and use with future content. It is compatible with the d20 System and will have conversion charts, but I decided to release a separate system so everyone doesn't have to invest thousands of dollars in books and also because I began designing it online in an RPG group a while back.

Sadly, like most online group ventures, it went nowhere. I was the only one who actively did anything; the only ones who even paid attention to what was going on just argued and compared it to their own systems. I continued to develop it off and on for the past few years. It is a decent, very light and easy, but also fairly complete, system that can stand all sorts of modifications and upgrades. Not only will the system be available for free, readers are invited to submit changes and developments for consideration. If they work and make it better, they will be implemented.

Future additions to the site will supplement the system, adding rules for various genres and campaigns, amongst other details. At some point, designers will be invited to submit articles and adventures for the system for possible inclusion. Payments for original content will be made by PayPal, but all rights to the system will be retained by the site.

There is no ETA for any of this, but at least some of it will be up by the beginning of the year. The Weirding is not accepting submissions at this time and suggestions for the system should be made in the forums for now.

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