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Sunday, January 28, 2007

More Boob Tube Dish

My folks came by today and gave me the Christmas gifts my brother got for me (he didn't come up due to work). He got me three DVDs: the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Special Edition, Goodfellas (which wasn't so much a gift as a replacement, since he got my video!), and Sin City. Unfortunately, the Sin City DVD got lost somewhere in the car (I hope...), which really heaves, because it's the only one of the three I haven't seen and I've been waiting to see it pretty much since it came out. I would have gone to the theater to see it, but that just wasn't possible back when it first came out, for all kinds of reasons.

I kept saying I was going to order Beerfest (Broken Lizard) on PPV, but I screwed around and missed the chance. They usually have the same movies on there for at least a month or two, but not this time. Figures. I had unhooked the VCR because I couldn't get the DVD player to work with it and, since this is the very first time I've gotten a truly clear picture on this thing, I'm afraid to screw with it. 

Ah well... I don't feel like fooling with any of it now anyway.

Frisky Dingo started over from the first episode tonight, so if you missed it the first time through, definitely check it out! It's the funniest thing on [adult swim] since Aqua Teen jumped the shark.

And then, my folks gave me a buttload of videos. One of the chain video stores has been selling their VHS tapes so my dad's been buying them up, and you wouldn't believe all the cool flicks he's come across these past few weeks! I got an entire boxload of horror flicks a while back, and this round brought me:

  • Marx Brothers - The Big Store
  • Plan 9 From Outer Space
  • Blair Witch Project
  • MST3K - Mitchell
Can you believe that?! All of these go for a fair price on eBay and pretty much everywhere else, and this store sold them for like $0.99! The greatest thing about it is that Mitchell is one of the really well-known MST3Ks and also one of the few I haven't seen! Well, I probably have seen it, but I don't recall it, so that means I haven't seen it 23409723409234098 times, like the others. At any rate, I have more than enough to keep me happy for at least a week or two.

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