
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Coming Soon to the Tube o the Boob

You may have heard that [adult swim] lost Futurama to Comedy Central. The latter network has rehired all of the original cast and is producing new episodes. I'm sure the kids over to Williams Street are a little honked over that whole deal, so I'm assuming they are running a Futurama marathon for the entire Sunday block this weekend as a sort of "fare thee well" to the show, but I have no idea when Futurama is leaving the network nor when the new episodes will begin airing on Comedy Central. [as] has been rerunning Fuh-risky Dingo, which is far and away the best thing they got going aside from Venture Brothers.

Heroes is back with all-new episodes this coming Monday, as well. The promos are touting them as "the last five episodes," without the trailing, "of the season." Because Heroes is definitely coming back. I am really enjoying the whole cheerleader being adopted and finding out who her father is storyline, but other than that it's still been really slow-going. They seemed to have hit a pattern with the "Dull Episode," "Dull Episode with One Big Cliffhanger," then "Good Episode," and that just ain't gonna keep butts in the seats and someone over there ought to know that already.

I'm still holding out hope for a return of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip because that is just a great show with an unbelievable cast. On the offhand chance they bring it back, trust me: watch this show! I haven't steered you wrong yet, have I?

And don't forget that Harry Dresden over there to the Sci-Fi Channel on Sunday nights. Dresden Files has really gotten me hooked after a rather non-eventful premiere. Lifetime's Blood Ties comes on before it, so your Sunday nights can go:
  1. Blood Ties
  2. Dresden Files
  3. [adult swim]
Well, that's how my Sunday nights have been going the past few weeks...

It's almost summertime too, and that means the badass shows come back! Eureka, Hex, Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman, Who Wants to be a Superhero?, Life on Mars, and more. Last summer was hot as hell but TV was cool and really made staying inside worthwhile.

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