
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Hex First Season Marathon Tonight!

Someone to the BBCA must be reading, and they know what I like.

Starting at 7:00 PM, CST, BBCA is showing an all-night Hex first series marathon. This is the one with Cassie and it's starting from the very beginning. The 2-hour premiere episode is followed by all the rest, straight through to when Ella enters the picture. It only runs until 5:00 AM, so it's not the entire first season, but if you've never seen the show, this is the best jumping-off point.

I'll warn you, the first few episodes are rather slow. Things happen, granted, but nothing Big-Time occurs until Ella gets involved. Of course, there's Azazeal and Malachi and the priest, but it takes until about the 4th or 5th episode for everything to really get underway.

Since I know most of us will likely be up drinking - or just up, in general - this is a great chance for you to get your Hex swerve on before it returns Saturday. That's right: Hex returns this Saturday. Just in case I haven't mentioned that.

So, first series marathon tonight, then the 2nd season starts Saturday. Hex. It's what's for breakfast.

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