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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Deathly Hallows Flies Off Shelves

Yes, I know - weak, weak, weak - but I can't be sure the sales "broke records" like every movie released the past three months or so.

The seventh, and final, book in the series was released "today," with bookstores and other outlets worldwide opening well in advance in order to give rabid fans the chance to be among the first to get the book and read Harry’s fate.

Even in the little backwater town in which I live, the library received over 60 copies of the book last week and opened from 9:30 to midnight last night so kids could come and check it out. Unfortunately, they closed at noon today, so I didn’t get to find out how it went yet.

But bookstores across the world are telling of amazing results, with over 250,000 fans showing up throughout the UK and at least one book chain claiming to have sold 15 books per second at over 400 stores since midnight!

Rowling herself gave a reading of the book at midnight and fans and critics alike insist "it was worth the wait."

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