
Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Hey kids. Nice to see you all about on this extremely hot day. I have some more news to get to you, but a lot of it is just spill-over from the Comic-Con and I see no real need to regurgitate others’ coverage of the event. Still, there are a few items I want to get to, including some tasty new celebrity news.

I had a doctor’s appointment this morning and it took far longer than I expected: I got there at 9:45 and got out of there at noon! And I am still waiting for the drug store to get my prescription filled. Plus, I really have to get back to The OddBlog.

One of the banes of both being a writer and having so many varied interests is that I often spread myself too thin and get far too little accomplished. I’m deep into the research on the Bell Witch that I have been doing for a while now (got a lot done waiting for the doctor, in fact!) and it’s taken time away from some of the other projects I had been working on.

Namely, I am trying to carefully reorganize the site so that once I swap hosts, I can upload it all at once. Of course, I already realize that there are going to be problems specific to that host, so... you know, a little preparation never hurts, regardless.

Still, I’m going to do some Bell Witch posts over to The OddBlog, then get some of the posts done here, then I will have to work on the site a bit. Hopefully this week’s news will be slightly more removed from the Comic-Con and we’ll have some real news. In the meantime, we’re working with what we got!

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