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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Comics Retailer Arrested for Murder

This one perplexes me to some extent. I’m not exactly sure why it should be news that the guy owns/owned a comics shop, but there it is in the headlines. To be fair, Comics Buyers’ Guide covered it back when the story first broke, so the press might have picked up on that, but on the other hand, this was also back in 1990, when comics collecting hit its big wave (99 variant covers, hologram bullshit, Image, etc.), so it may just have had to do with that. Still, it is unsettling that the connection is even drawn because it is a lot like saying, “Auto Dealer Arrested...” or “Flower Shop Owner Arrested...” Of course, they do that too, but comic books still get a bad rep in some circles, so it just seems a little more barbed to me.

Call me "sensitive."

Anyway, retail shop owner, Michael George, has been charged with the killing of his wife back in 1990. She was found behind the store and $30,000 worth of comics were missing. She had been shot, execution style, once in the back of the head. Due to the nature of the injuries, she is theorized to have been sitting or kneeling during the shooting. Cops were looking for someone who was familiar with classic comic books and the trading card industry, due to the nature of the theft.

Authorities are remaining tight-lipped, but it is noted that there must have been recent developments in the case which led to the arrest of the comics shop owner 17 years later. George has since remarried and was a respected member of the community, known for his generosity toward, and involvement with, local youth. Neighbors are said to be shocked by the arrest.

Michael George was 30 at the time of his wife’s death. She was thought to have been closing the store and preparing to attend a surprise birthday party for her husband when she was attacked. The couple had two children. George surrendered without incident and is being charged with murder and possession of a firearm with intent to commit a felony.

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