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Monday, August 27, 2007

General Chatter

I have been doing so many press releases after falling behind that i just wanted to take a moment to just blather about nothing, really. After everything that went down the other week and everything else that has been going on since I moved into this little town, I am so completely over this whole place and all these people that I have basically stayed indoors except for when I check the mail or have to go somewhere; a sort-of self-imposed exile from the rest of the "community," if you like. It gets a bit lonesome.

It would be better if I had cable! They "interrupted" my service - which is not the same as disconnecting me "from the pole" (I know - gross, right?) - because I am $25.00 late. I had intended to pay it in person because I am going to pick up a cable modem when I go down there - or I was... with everything in the state it's in right now, I wasn't able to get down there in time and now I need to sit on my money as much as possible, so while I still have to go and pay it in person, I don't think I'll be getting the cable internet service this month.

I have been putting in applications in other areas and I am hoping to move soon - of course, I was already planning on that - but just about everywhere I've applied to has told me there may be a wait. I'd love to find a house I can afford, but so far, I've only found apartments in my price range. Still, if nothing else, it gives me a little bit longer to save-up. Who knows? By the time something becomes available, I may very well have enough money to afford something nicer.

There is a raven-haired young beauty just down the way here who I've had my eyeball on for some time now, but I've never had a reason to speak to her and I didn't want to be too forward. Yesterday, as I was going into the store, she saw me and struck up a conversation. I was in a hurry and not exactly sure if it was her or not (until I saw her getting into her car and recognized it - then I could have kicked myself!), so I didn't say much. Then, as I was leaving earlier, she was pulling in and I smiled and waved and she gave me a smile I could feel in my hip pocket (hey, if you can't whip-out a Chandlerism now and then, what's the point in writing?).

She has the brightest teeth and eyes I've seen in years.

Anyway, after listening to the same old music I've been listening to for years now for the last two days, I got into the front closet (which is even harder to find anything in than the bedroom closet!) and dug out some of my movie collection. I've been watching MST3K episodes and classic B-raters all day. Part of me is reveling in the reminiscence and the other half is going through current events withdrawal. I'll make it though. I'm going to the cable place tomorrow or Wednesday to pay the late charge, so it's not the end of the world. I spent an entire week here when I first moved in with only one channel and one of the places I lived in before this only got 2 channels - both in black and white and with intermittent static!

Well, I have a few more press releases and then I have a slew of comics news I came across. I had all but forgotten about that! So this will be a good week for the blog, but then come Friday, what with the holiday next Monday and all, I have to rush around and pay bills. Still, seeing as how I'm also having to play catch-up with those same bills, it isn't so bad. I will be broke as hell this month (unless something really pleasant - and unusual - happens to change that... one can hope), so if you like reading The Rundown, this is going to be very, very good for you.

If you don't? Like... what are you doing?

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