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Sunday, August 19, 2007

We're Back

Yes, I am back - finally! I had some personal issues to which I had to attend (and to which I will be attending in the immediate future) that I really thought would have all played out a lot sooner than they did - and really should have!

Still, I have several press releases to get out to you - some of which I'll get to immediately - and then there's some good ol' celebri-news. I can't promise much about the immediate future because I don't know how much of my time and effort this current situation is going to take, but you know I don't tend to go entire weeks without saying something... hell, I usually can't go an entire day!


sapheyerblu said...

Good Grief, son

I was getting worried about you. Don't you ever write a post about taking a blue pill, then not post for several days.

I'm very happy your back.

Manodogs said...

Well, I didn't have much choice! Like I said, there's a hell of a story to the whole thing and I won't get into all of it right now, but I got arrested for disorderly conduct for calling 911 and "acting violently" (I got into an argument with the dispatcher because she was being very rude to me) and they were supposed to release me after 12 hours... instead, they held me for 7 days!!!!

Absolutely nothing they told everyone else is true and they were telling me something completely different while I was in the back. They had me charged with DC and I had the warrant, but up front, they had me charged with Public Intoxication!!! The whole week was just like that - and I am quite certain these good ol' boys knew exactly what they were doing.

Now I'm supposed to go to court tomorrow but I wasn't released until nearly 4:00 Friday afternoon, so I haven't had the chance to speak to any lawyers or anything. I would have just plead guilty to the charges - or at least no contest - 12 hours after being arrested, even 24, even 48 or 72 would have made me hot, but I'd have just paid... after 7 days and an entire week's worth of lost wages? Not to mention the whole incarceration bit... I mean, damn!

Here's the best part: You know why the dispatcher and I got into it? The reason we got into an argument and I "acted" violently on the phone is because I called to report a mother and daughter who are known to be drug addicts and alcoholics for arguing in the front yard with the door wide open because I knew her 8-month old child was in the house alone. And the 911 operator berated me because this "wasn't an emergency"!!!

Of course, this pissed me right off and I went off on the little bitch.

So if I should disappear after tomorrow, I beg someone - anyone - to call the FBI or someone and let them know what is going on down here! They held me for 7 days so I couldn't make my defense, and they are pressuring me to plea guilty and just let the whole matter drop, but I'm not about to because this is all complete bullshit!

They told the bondsmen that I had been charged with public intox on the 13th, even though the arrest record clearly says disorderly conduct on the 11th; they told the bondsmen I had called 911 five times that night when I only called the one time; they turned bondsmen away, saying no bail had been set, even though they had told me the bond on Monday!!! I have no idea how much they did was legal or illegal and I haven't had a chance to find out.

I know one thing for certain: I have to move the hell out of this small, Southern, rednecked town ASAP! Of course, I'm not going ot have the money to do that immediately, thanks to the fact that I'm going to have to pay court costs and lost a week's worth of work!!