
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Work, Work, Work!

Whew! Them boys over to Marvel keep you busy! I bet that PR department is jumping! Glad I don't work there... but I do feel like I'm working!

I have no good reason for being so slack today. It's been well over 100° all day and is just now cooling off; it's exactly 100° at 7:00 PM at night. That's what passes for "cool" around here lately. I keep promising you some celebrity news and I do have it, but I have been working so hard formatting and linking these press releases that I just haven't felt like getting into it just yet. I apologize, but it's not like it's going anywhere - nor am I, with all this work!

It's great to have all this work - don't get me wrong - and things will even-out now that I am back home and can keep on top of everything. But this whole court case and all that is still far from over, so that's weighing on my mind and brings some work of its own that I have to do, the house is a total wreck because I had lost my checkbook earlier in the day before I went down and tore the place up looking for it, I finally got the dishes done earlier, and I have yet to start supper...

Needless to say, I am busy. And being sleepy and worn-out even though I got a decent night's sleep is really dragging me down. So if I don't get to the juicy gossip tonight, I'll try my best to get to it tomorrow. Sorry for that, but c'est la vie.

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