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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bugs and e-Mail

Whew. Well, I knew it wasn't going to be a smooth ride switching hosts, and I guess they all have their little glitches and things. It almost pains me to say it, but I think GeoCities spoiled me! I mean, the worst glitch I ever experienced over there was that when you manually edited a file, you had to exit and re-enter the system. Still do , I figure. Still, I can't advertise if I use them for a host (how effed-up is that? I mean, you're paying them, right?!) and I'm not paying a host like that. I don't expect to get rich or anything, but I can at least hope to make back some of the money that I spend on hosting and domain registration and time and effort and...

I'm not opposed to getting rich; I am not against it, completely.

Oh! So the point? Yes, there's a point. Gah, like you're so in a hurry.

Well, one of the main e-mail names is not working for no reason. It keeps telling me it cannot create the account because the account already exists, but the account is nowhere to be found. So, I am likely dropping press releases from IDW and Dark Horse. I wondered why I hadn't gotten anything from them in a while.

Anyway, it took nearly an entire week to get the site swapped over to the new IP address, so I can't promise anything with getting the e-mail addies worked out. I extend my apologies to you guys over to IDW and DH; we're working on it over here! If I can't get it fixed by the weekend, I will contact you with the new e-mail by Monday.

I really am sorry about all this, but I knew there were going to be at least a few issues to work out along the way and this is one I did not foresee. And I don't even know why it's happening - or not happening, as the case is.

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