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Monday, October 15, 2007

New Anna Nicole News

Wow! Richard Milstein, the lawyer who served as a guardian for Dannielynn for about three weeks earlier this year, has charged the 1-year old $200k for his services! Obviously, the lawyers for Birkhead and Stern are balking, calling the fee preposterous, and they have filed a suit in Broward County, FL. A hearing has been set for November 8th.

Anna Nicole's child spent some time in Milstein's guardianship while her paternity was being discovered. Milstein won custody of the late model's body and had her buried in the Bahamas, according to her will. He claims that caring for the child and funeral arrangements took the services of five people in addition to himself and the president of his firm does not understand why anyone would think $200k is too much for all of this.

In other Anna Nicole Smith news, Rita Cosby is under a lot of fire for the new book she wrote in which she suggests Larry Birkhead and Howard K. Stern made a sex video Anna Nicole enjoyed watching. A lot of tapes have surfaced and have been being aired on Great Van Susteren's On the Record on FNC. It has something to do with Anna Nicole's nannies and something or something else. I honestly haven't been following it all and have no idea what it's all about, but it sounds like Ms. Cosby could be in a lot of trouble.

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