
Monday, October 15, 2007

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Chelsea Lately

I know I've been babbling up a storm today, but it's just one of those days. We had a lot of press releases, which is a good thing since we have had a dearth of them so far this month (I blame that danged Columbus boy!), but there has also been a little celebrity and entertainment news here and there.

But why am I making excuses? I just feel like typing and blathering today.

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is coming to DVD tomorrow. That was such a good show with so much promise! I still can't believe they shut it down so damned fast. I guess someone was embarrassed that it was such a favored heavy-hitter and it flopped so hard, but give me a break!

If it had had at least one more year, Studio 60 could have turned it all back around. It fell prey to the same thing Heroes did both last year and this week: it started out strong as hell, then quickly became muddled and hard to keep track of. They focused on the couples' stories, so the show and all the backstage drama - which was supposed to be the main focus and not just the premise - fell to the wayside and when they swapped between characters and stories, you couldn't keep track because the cast was so large and there was so much going on with everyone.

The large cast was partly to blame, but the decision to close them all off and change the very thrust of the show into some kind of romantic dramedy was the reason it failed. They should have stuck to the show as the center, but I think they decided early-on that too few people could relate to that, so they moved the show in a romantic direction. Obviously, that was not the problem.

Let's face it: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip was a high-concept show from the word "go." It was not going to appeal to a big audience, no matter how many stars were featured, no matter how strong the writing, no matter anything. But it could have been a truly classic bit of television, ala The Larry Sanders Show, which had the same premise.

I hope the Studio 60 DVD is good, but I still say they need to do some new made-for-TV movies or something along those lines with it. It's just too good a start to let it die the way it did, but I don't have high hopes for seeing anything new.

Did you see tonight's Chelsea Lately? It was a salute to Lindsay and Britney and it was really good - kind of a "Best Of" compilation of clips and skits dealing with the two starlets the fair Miss Handler enjoys referring to as "hot messes" (which I absolutely adore). And while I still wish she'd expand the round table format with which she usually begins each show, this episode really fit and was quite enjoyable.

It made me think to mention that The Weirding will have a reviews section and a sort of "Best Of" area for the blogs. I used to do them a while back, basically on a month-by-month basis, and then quit because they took so much damn time to prepare and didn't get many hits. I started in on the Reviews section before, but couldn't find a design I liked, so I shelved it, but tonight's Chelsea Lately got me thinking in some new directions, so look forward to that and I'll be sure to let you know when it's up and running.

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