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Monday, October 15, 2007

Sponsors - the Good and the Bad


I tell you what, some of these sponsors have gotten to be such a hassle to bother with that I am just not certain I will anymore. One of them has a persistent bad habit of late payments and still owes me $30 from like 3 months ago. Another takes forever to go through and then you almost never hear back from them and I'm lucky to get 2-3 posts a month out of them. Still another has gotten to where they allow advertisers to post a laundry list of murky requirements, then reject your entry multiple times until you have literally jumped through hoops and gone through tech support and the whole nine. Now one of them has dropped a $20 post out of the blue! It irks me deeply that I wasted my time even making that damned thing only to have it yanked from beneath me!

I'm sure this pleases some of you to no end, but like I've said a billion times before, without our goodly sponsors, we couldn't afford to post as often as we do. And I love being able to post a lot here! I love The Rundown, I really do. I really love posting here and discussing these subjects.

Don't get me wrong, I love all the blogs, but The Rundown was my first and holds a special place in my heart. And I love having sponsors that give us money so we can spend as much time here as we do. I just wish the sponsors would hold up to their end of the bargain like they are supposed to. Every time - on time!

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