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Friday, October 26, 2007


Sorry about just dropping-off last night. Our own Hellcat has a post or two she's going to make soon, but had some personal business that needed immediate attention the past few days, so she never got around to it. Hopefully, we'll hear from her this weekend!

I had to get my drink on.

I have to admit, I'm falling out of love with drinking. It's true. It isn't just the heavy toll it takes on me, hangover-wise, either - I just don't enjoy being drunk like I used to. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it every once in a while - enough so that I still do it - but it just isn't the thrill it used to be.

In fact, the only reason I drank yesterday is because I am out of my pain medication and the muscle relaxers I have tear my stomach up! They changed my prescription last month so that I was only supposed to take the pain meds once every 8 hours instead of once every 4-6 and I didn't realize it until I was almost out! That's why I checked actually - I was like, "Why in the world am I so low on these this early in the month?" - it was because I had been taking them according to the old frequency. I have to tell them to switch it back because I have to take them more than just once every 8 hours.

Anyway, I managed to get a few pain pills today, so I'm back to the old routine for now. I don't go back to the doctor's for another entire week though, so there may very well be yet another day o' drinking ahead. But I really don't think so... it just isn't worth it anymore.

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