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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ripped Off Again!

I know I have griped about some sponsors lately and I'm about to do it again. Some may say I "got what [I] deserve," but that couldn't be further from the truth; they're only saying that because they do not like sponsored posts.

My problem with sponsors lately is that several of them have had "system errors" which have resulted in many of us receiving opportunities we were "not supposed to" or not being paid on time. Now, this would be fine if, when we bloggers make mistakes, we had the same sort of leeway.

Some sponsors will allow you to re-take an opportunity if it expires or is declined for whatever reason. But in the case I'm complaining about today, not only are we not being allowed to resubmit the post, our overall "score" (which helps determine the number of opportunities we receive, as well as the price we are paid for those) was lowered, as well! And the program admits it was their error! So, not only did we lose the money for the time we already spent working on the opportunity, we are going to lose-out on future opportunities, as well - all through no fault of our own!

Now, I can stomach losing the time and money. I can accept losing the points. But to lose all of these things, all the way around, when I did absolutely nothing wrong?! I'm a bit pissed-off about that.

But here's the real kicker: the program has no way of contacting them, so I was forced to complain about them here. And I just got through telling everyone how this particular program has never pulled this kind of stunt and how they always pay on time!

Something like 6 months' worth of working that effing "score" up to the maximum you can get, all blown to shit in one fell swoop because they had a "system error"!

Ah well, I refuse to let it get me down. I just wanted to complain and get it out of my system.

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