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Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Hi, spankies!

I dropped by the library yesterday to use their fast computers and discovered that I simply have to hunker-down and make enough money to get a new computer. I know a guy who can piece together the millions of components I have to fashion a working Frankenstein model, but I've been "working with what I got" for 10 years now and it's long since time I finally upgraded. Not that I know when this will happen... I don't have any money and Google is doing everything they can to ensure I don't make any.

I am still working on the posts here. In fact, I am going to go to the library later on this afternoon and do as much as I possibly can. The faster connection makes a world of difference; I can get twice as much done in the same time up there.

While I was there, I bought some new books they were discarding and I am going to add them to my LibraryThing catalog, then I am going to post on the new books I bought, as well as my last shipment of comics. Those papers have been setting around here since I got them and I keep forgetting to post it, so I'll do that immediately. Then I'll get out the press releases I have here.

So, it will be a busy morning to early-afternoon, but you'll have plenty of time to catch up while I do maintenance this afternoon. Then tonight, I may have an exciting announcement... well, exciting to me, at least.

It's a gorgeous 70° and sunny here today, and I hope everyone else's day is as nice as mine is shaping up to be! (I hope I didn't just jinx myself!)

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