
Monday, December 03, 2007

Late Start

Well, well, well - got all my running-around done finally. I told you it would probably take me most of the morning and it took all of that - and well into the early afternoon. But I am here now and ready to rock n roll!

No one says that anymore, do they? Eh...

Got some new Muslim news for you, and this is pretty good stuff, too; along with some great (related) news on censorship in comics; I may relate some of this to the Google debacle, though I may not cover that here; then I have your official Marvel comics hitting shelves Wednesday, like every Monday; and a few other odds and ends. May even get one of them old-fashioned Rundowns off in there somewhere, with all the mess I've got!

Since Google unfairly targeted my sites and posts and eliminated them from the results because I dared speak-out against their tortious and extortive behavior, our visits have been down significantly, so I really have to get on the ball and get some promotion and marketing going on. That means that I'm going to be very busy - yet again - with a bunch of behind-the-scenes shit and posts may suffer, but not for that long; like I said, there's so very much stuff to get out the door that I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and push it all out as fast as possible. So, action may be a bit sparse as far as comments and all that go, but we'll get back into the swing of things eventually.

After all, regardless of what Google would like everyone to think, they didn't make the Web and they sure as hell didn't make us. Once again, it comes down to content vs. distribution, and without content, there is nothing to distribute; I made The Rundown, just like I made The Weirding, and even if they both flounder around for years in obscurity because Google hates my friendly guts, the cream rises to the top eventually, so...

Sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do.

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