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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Pleasant Weather

It's one of those beautiful, anomalous days - a warm 72ยบ in the middle of December - with a very slight breeze and slightly overcast skies. Just gorgeous. I got up and walked to the store to buy more cigarettes, even though I really didn't need them (I will, eventually, and then I don't have to rush down there in the cold!), just to get out of the house and enjoy the weather. I wore nothing but a T-shirt and jeans. And socks. And shoes. And underwear. And my dog tags. And deodorant. And sunglasses. But nothing else.

I am still working on the tags here, as well as getting rid of the PPP badges. It's a serious undertaking - like I said, there are over 1500 posts here from the past year and a half! I didn't realize how many drafts I had here; I started a bunch of good articles that I never finished for one reason or another, so maybe I'll get some of those out to you one of these days. It is going to be the middle of next week or even the week after before the blogs get moved to their own sub-domains because I have to do the same thing on all the rest of them and The OddBlog takes forever to publish, thanks to the fact that it is so big and goes through FTP. I can only imagine how long this monster will take!

USA has another Monk marathon on today, culminating in the replay of the Christmas special tonight. I really appreciate that USA goes all-out on the Christmas specials when even places like Wal-Mart refuse to use "The C Word." In fact, I have a good story from Down Undah to bring to you on this very thing (it's a few days old now, but I was kind of sitting on it because I know there are going to be more like it throughout the holiday season). But over to the Sci-Fi Channel, they are about to replay the entire Tin Man mini-series. I am going to watch them all back-to-back and give an overall review, which I have already started but intentionally waited until today to bring you, so I could watch the whole thing over again.

Other than that, I have obviously been getting these press releases out to you as best I can. They usually take some time to format and so forth, due to the fact that they are generally written under programs like Word and Outlook, which use different (non-HTML) formatting that I have to strip and reset. That's why I'm late on them sometimes.

Also, I am changing the index because I always hated the one that's up; I just published the current index in order to get something up there until I could spend more time on it. That will be up shortly after this is published. I am then going to find a better theme for The Wording (I really like the one that's on there now, it just isn't congruent with the rest of the site) and finally get the TOS and FAQ up, even though I'm sure they won't be complete.

All in all, I am getting a whole lot accomplished, it's just mainly small details that aren't readily apparent to the general viewer.

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