
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Finally, It's Over!

Well, I guess the holidays are finally over. I hope everyone had a happy new year. I had a pretty good one, all things considered. Of course, everyone is still catching-up and getting back into the swing of things, so we haven't gotten any press releases or anything for this week; everything should be back to normal next week and I can easily wait until then!

My new female friend's kids absolutely adore me, which is fantastic, but the two-year old gets the biggest kick out of doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over. It just so happens his favorite thing to do with me is take a running leap on my back. So my neck is all but broken right this minute.

And they changed my pain medicine to some incredibly strong stuff today - stuff to which I am still getting accustomed...

Tonight was the first regular night for Futurama on Comedy Central. As fans know, it left its 5-year run on [adult swim] and new episodes with the original cast are in the works.

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