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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Marvel Videos Tomorrow!

We told you a few days back about the new Marvel Adventures Animated AdverVideos available online now at The second installment debuts tomorrow (January 10th), with a certain armor-clad genius arriving on the scene, and the final episode hits browsers January 17th. Then check out the new Marvel Adventures Iron Man Special #1, a free digital comic that serves as the prequel to the Marvel Adventures Animated AdverVideos, starring Iron Man, Hulk, and Spider-Man.

As we have been discussing off and on throughout the last few weeks, while this new content is fresh and exciting, and available for free exclusively online, this is not what I refer to as Web-specific content. While these animated shorts and the digital comic are exclusive to the Web - meaning they were made specifically for, and can only be found, online and require an Internet connection to view - the Web is just the distribution means. This content could just as easily have been packaged and sold as DVDs with a free comic included.

Now, if the content were Web-specific, it would mean that the content could not be distributed by any other means without losing something. Again, I can't get too technical and go into specific details because The Weirding is going to include a lot of this type of content and I don't want to give anyone else any ideas because they have far more resources than I and could accomplish what I am attempting faster than I can, effectively making my content not so fresh and exciting when it finally hits the Web. But the point is that, while exciting and new, this content is not exactly "fresh"; there's nothing unique or different about the format, distribution, or really anything else.

Still, it is nice to see Marvel moving into the Web realm so aggressively. With their recent podcasts, and now their videos and digital comics, who knows what the future holds for Marvel online? It will be exciting to see.

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