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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Working Too Hard

I have been working too hard the past couple of days. It was good to get back to work after taking off so many days for the holidays and so forth, but I have been going at breakneck pace the last few days and it's starting to catch-up to me. Well, I'm also frustrated over the things I've been going through in my personal life, including the cable and electric companies - both of whom have had my bill screwed-up for going on four months now! And every, damned month, I've spent 3-4+ days on the phone with them for several hours each time, and then they claim they have it straightened out on the phone... then I receive a bill with the "overdue" amount the next week!

I'm seriously considering moving back in with a friend of mine, but I honestly do not want to move back to Memphis. I hated that place the entire time I lived there and I swore that, if I ever got out of there, I wasn't going back... but Decatur County, TN is so much worse... and they can't even serve liquor here! Not that I would hang out at any of the bars here if they did - far too much drama, far too many nasty people who have nothing better to do than "stir-up some bullmess." Hell, that's their idea of a good time here! I have to admit at the very least, people in Memphis know how to have an actual good time without all the drama and nastiness. I mean, it's there of course - there are people like that everywhere - but you can generally spot them and stay away from them and they have their own hang-outs they like to frequent; if you decide you are going into a bar in Decatur County, TN, you just have to accept that those are the type of patrons to which these establishments cater and either resolve to deal with the inevitable bullshit or stay at home.

I stay away.

I are at least smrat enough to do that. Too trusting of people, I'll grant you, but at least smrat enough to party at home.

I've been drinking coffee all day. I don't know why I couldn't sleep last night, but I was up and down the entire night long and finally just got up around 9:00. I went to the store just to get out of the house for a second and get a little exercise and I don't have to cook tonight because I made a HUGE Crockpotful of roast beef last night, so that much is handled.

I completely forgot about one of the programs I already participate in; they have an ad network that actually might generate some money - and they might even pay me once it does! So I may leave the AdSense boxes on this blog, but I'm going to revamp the site over the next few days. I'm going to do a kind of sweep across the breadth of it and get all the existing pages together before I start-in on any of the new stuff. Today, I have been busy paying bills and calling companies and waiting on-hold and for them to call me back, etc. I think I am just emotionally drained and it's making me physically worn-out.

Anyway, I got several PRs today, so I'll get those out to you in one form or another. If I can actually catch a few winks, I may work through the night. I missed being able to just get up and go to work whenever the mood strikes. That's one good thing about being a single workaholic: you don't have to maintain a rigid sleeping schedule and I've found I am more productive without one.

So, just another day... little tired, little wired, blahblahblah.

Britney needs to do something.

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