In the wake of Messiah CompleX, the X-Men are no more, but some threats to mutantkind must be dealt with permanently by the new mutant strike force of Wolverine, X-23, Warpath and Wolfsbane! The hotly anticipated X-Force #1, from the acclaimed writing duo of Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost and rising star artist Clayton Crain, brings Cyclops' mutant black ops team into conflict against the mutant-hating Purifiers… and there are deadly consequences! The all-new X-Force must accept the ramifications of their mission that's so secret not even the most trusted members of the X-Men can ever learn about it! All this wrapped up in a regular cover by Crain, a "bloody" variant and another variant by superstar artist Travis Charest!
"This series is packed full of action and intrigue," says series editor John Barber, "If you've liked Messiah CompleX, you'll love X-Force. These are the characters that aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, or to take the fight to the bad guys. And when the bad guys are the Purifiers assembling a truly terrifying group of the worst villains mutantkind has ever faced, no quarter will be asked and none given!"
Perfect for readers new and old, X-Force #1 launches a dangerous new era for mutantkind, featuring the shocking return of a fan-favorite X-villain! Marvel urges retailers to check their orders on this new series spinning out of the red-hot Messiah CompleX storyline and bringing together some of Marvel's most popular mutants in a Divided We Stand tie-in!
It's an all-new, all-different X-Force—and not everyone may survive the x-perience of X-Force #1!
X-FORCE #1 (DEC072221)
Art and Cover by CLAYTON CRAIN
Variant Cover by TRAVIS CHAREST
Parental Advisory ...$2.99
FOC—1/17/08, On-Sale—2/6/08

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