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Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Little Bit

Obviously, I'm feeling a little bit better today... not much, so far, but somewhat.

I actually woke up feeling much better than I did yesterday, but I woke up feeling like death warmed-over yesterday, so that's kind of like saying Britney looks better than she did at the VMA show. My tummy is still uber-upset, so I'm not running any marathons.

I do have to go to the store, however. I sent someone up there for me yesterday, but she didn't get what she was supposed to, so I may be sick again tomorrow... everything changes for the better tomorrow, though. I will finally get this place cleaned-up and it will stay like that for more than an hour, plus I go to the doctor's to get my medicine for my neck. Which I haven't been able to take for several days anyway, because I was puking so much... and just generally feeling awful.

No real agenda for this chilly Sunday, just going to blather about and get out some of these PRs that are clogging the mailbox.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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