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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Waking Up

Well, the first night of my (at least) 30-day reprieve and I couldn't sleep!

Seriously. I don't know why I could not sleep, but I lie in that "Grey State" for at least 2-3 hours without ever fully succumbing to the joys of blissful unconsciousness. Then I woke up sometime in the middle of the night and had X-Files on the TV and there were little men running after Scully and it was frightening - seriously, actually disturbing! I couldn't really tell if I was awake or not and I didn't find that sort of programming appropriate for the 3:00 AM hour, or for 30-somethings, in general!

I was supposed to hear something about my former "friend" yesterday, but (just as I suspected), I did not. I would call or write and ask, but everything surrounding her is such a mega-drama that I am just going to enjoy the silence and cleanliness for a while longer. I still have not decided how I want to handle the situation from my position yet; I bear no allegiance to anyone but myself, after all, and I was sorely mistreated by all parties in this endeavor, so at the very least, I ought to be able to count on some blog-fodder from the whole ordeal, but I don't know just yet.

Even in the present absence of these people, I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop. How's that for "friends"?

ANYhoo, it appears to be another slow news day so far - it's been a pretty slow couple of weeks, when you think about it - but I am hoping to hear something from the cats over to Image as to how Wondercon went one of these days. I'll get your Marvel checklist out in a few and there is some sci-fi movie news to report. Tonight is Jericho, for those of you watching or wanting to get-in on the excitement and I have to breakdown and read some of the comics I have been getting so I can decide what I am ordering next month, which means I may get to a review or two. Actually, tonight would be a great night to check out Jericho, seeing as how Boston Legal had been pre-empted yet again!

Better late than never, right Jamie Lynn?

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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