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Monday, April 21, 2008

Lord Eddie Izzard?

Comedian, cross-dresser, and The Riches star, Eddie Izzard, told Newsweek he is thinking of getting into European politics!

The interview, in the latest issue of the magazine on sale today, discusses Izzard's career and upcoming work (including the new Narnia flick and Valkyrie, with Tom Cruise), but in it, Izzard says, "I want to go into [politics]. Don't you think I should? ...if we don't make the European Union work, the world is screwed. End of story.

"Logical governance is the thing. It already exists; it's called susidiarity, which is... basically the idea that governance happens at its logical level." When asked when he might run for office, Izzard replied, "It's a decade away." Izzard also says he wants a Democrat to win the US Presidential office.

Of course, many actors and performers have made their way into politics - some with great success (Ronald Reagan, anyone?) - but the general, American outlook is that performers should stay out of the political arena. However, Izzard is something of an anomaly in this department; though his act is seemingly desultory, he always includes clever, sweeping historical and political insights. He also speaks fluent French.

Of all current performers who could feasibly enter politics, Izzard is amply qualified for the job. Actually, his comedic insight into world history, religion, and international relations - along with his vast personal experience in these areas due to his travels - would actually make Eddie Izzard one hell of a politician!

So, here's to you, Lord Izzard. You can read more of the article at Newsweek.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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