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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Marilyn Monroe Sex Tape

A sex tape of film starlet, Marilyn Monroe, was sold to a New York businessman for $1.5 million.

The businessman, who remains unnamed, said he bought the film to protect her and will not exploit her by releasing it on the Internet or anywhere else. The tape was recovered by the son of a dead FBI informant, who later sold it to a memorabilia collector.

The 15-minute film shows Monroe, fully-clothed, performing "a sex act" on a man whose head and face remain unseen throughout its entirety. Former FBI head, J. Edgar Hoover, supposedly went to great lengths to prove the man in the film was none other than President John F. Kennedy. Monroe's former husband, Joe DiMaggio, had once tried to purchase the tape from the collector, but the latter "would not part with it," according to FBI files.

Now... what... how... I had never heard of this before I read the story the information in this post comes from, but how is it the Federal Bureau of Investigations is so intimately tied into this whole thing? Monroe died in 1962 from a drug overdose, so this film has to be 8mm or better and I'm no expert on espionage - or cameras, or film, or Marilyn Monroe - but I don't think those cameras can be made so small that they're basically "spy equipment." If everything is to be believed, it's proven that the woman in the recording is Marilyn Monroe, so that means... I mean, the FBI? Either she knew she was being recorded or she was duped into being recorded or she was coerced into being recorded or... at any rate, the freaking FBI came across the tape and when you consider how heavily that administration leaned on the Mafia, the whole sordid affair hints at some pretty dark shit.

I don't know exactly what it means - other than the fact that the American government has always had more time to devote to the prurient than the necessary. Nearly 50 years later, illicit celebrity sex tapes go for millions of dollars while 80% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, and I know that's beating a dead horse, but the idea that such a tape even exists is slightly shocking. The idea that it came to light because an FBI informant had it is downright spooky (no pun intended)!

Marilyn Monroe died under mysterious circumstances which have never been fully explained and the surfacing of this film really brings up all sorts of questions about that dark chapter of Americana. And Hollow-wood is a cornucopia of dark chapters.

Maybe someone can help me, because none of this makes sense to me: how, or why, was the FBI involved in this whole thing; what was this tape "proof" of, if anything; if this film was observed by the FBI, then how did it wind-up back in the hands of "private collectors" - I mean, on and on?

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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