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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Few Odds and Ends

Yes, this is yet another of those generalized "agenda" posts, but I'm just checking-in.

I have some more advance reviews this week, and I'm going to look at some titles already on the market - namely some of the newer ones. I also have some movie reviews I am going to throw in because I went ahead and got all the pay movie channels (partially because they had a special offer on them for six months and partially because I get to write-off some of my cable - so long as I keep writing about what I'm watching) and I've seen a whole lot of movies that I want to talk about.

There's always some news to dig-up and toss around, but I'll be covering the whole Harry Potter thing on Weird Ink. It's one of those that works on both blogs, but it works better over there. I'm keeping an eyeball on the Star Wars trial, and there are some other trials which may worm their way into The Rundown as time goes on. And [adult swim] is supposed to get its shit together one of these weekends soon and break-out the new stuff, so we'll have that to kick-around once it happens.

All this income tax, redesigning, flu, and everything else has thrown me off my schedule and I just haven't gotten my groove back as soon as I usually do. And it's been pretty slow-goings as late, anyway. Still, I am trying to divide my time between the blogs and the site, proper, and I have a lot of time to make up on both. The site in particular requires a lot of technical work and offline reading and planning and that's just the way things have to be for the immediate future. I'm really excited about everything coming up and I can just barely hold my tongue about it, but I'm trying... so I get swept-up in trying to finish it as soon as possible, then have to force myself to switch gears and give you something to read here, then switch gears and hit the other blogs, etc., etc. - it's hectic and manic and... fun!

So, anyhoo, few more news items to top-off the day and then I'm kicking-off to catch-up on my comic books. Which means I'll be babbling incessantly about that tomorrow.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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