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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Early Birds and the Worm

Yes, I'm well aware of the fact that absolutely no one is awake at 4:00 in the AM - no one but me, that is.

I woke up about 2:00 and couldn't get back to sleep. But since I have a whole lot of work ahead of me this weekend, I went ahead and grabbed a Coke and decided to jump right in. Hopefully, I'll start konking-out around 7-8:00 and sleep until noon or so like I have a few nights this week. But I'm going to draft several posts here and schedule them to run.

I can't figure you guys out, so I'm just doing my thing. On days when there's really nothing too much to report, we're getting 100+ visitors; on days when we have advance reviews and all sorts of discussion, we're pulling 30. ??? I don't get it, so I've quit trying. I'm just doing what I do and hope y'all catch-on as I go. You're a sharp crowd and you usually find the better content without my prodding, however there are several great posts in here that I'm dismayed haven't gotten more attention, so I may have to dig through here and start pointing them out.

It's late and I'm loopy, so who knows what's going to come out? Sometimes, that's when the best things happen; other times, you wake up later and see you've just written a bunch of junk! Let's see which it will be tonight, shall we?

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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