
Sunday, June 01, 2008

I Hate Dial-Up

I told you the other day how I was happy to have the opportunity to be back on dial-up, just so I could see how everything loads. I take that back: dial-up sucks.

It's just insane to think I ever managed to get anything done this way! Pictures time-out loading, simple sites take so long to load that I can literally type the URL, get up, wash a sinkful of dishes, go check the mail, come back, and still sit for another five minutes!

If you are one of the very few who lives in a rural area where high-speed or broadband is simply unavailable, I sincerely sympathize with you - I was one of you until very, very recently - but if you are not, then you have no excuse not to get high-speed Internet. None. I don't care if your baby has to starve, if you have to sell your car, I just do not care; do whatever in the world you need to do to get high-speed access right now! This is just ridiculous.

There is a new addition to my household: a beautiful kitten whom I've yet to name. I'm about 95% certain it's a boy. He's a completely wonderful and welcome addition, even though I think he killed one of my plants when he pooped in it.

I'm pretty sure I'm having meatloaf and pinto beans for supper tonight, then I'll put on a huge Crockpot of chili tomorrow. I am supposed to have a doctor's appointment, but I really don't think I'll go - just reschedule. Just way too much going on this week for me to do that and now that I have a baby in the home, I can't just up and go whenever I want.

Plenty to come today, though I have no idea what it will be.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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