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Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Hey guys, sorry for missing today.

Yesterday was a friend's birthday and we stayed up late into the night, partying. Apparently a bit too loudly, since one of the neighbors complained. But that's not unusual; those morons find something to complain, fuss, and fight over every damn day. I am just dying to move.

Anyway, I had to get an MRI today and it took longer than expected because I went to the wrong place. It eventually got done and now I have to carry it to the doctor tomorrow around noon. I should know what they are going to do then. Honestly, if they can just lance it, it might even be done tomorrow! But that means I won't be able to do much for another few days.

No way to know now; I'll have to wait and see.

I am not at home, so there isn't much I can do. It's the first night my new kitty has been all alone in the house, and I just pray everything is alright. I tried to get someone to watch him/her (still haven't figured it out yet), but no one was available. No, that's not true; they just couldn't be bothered.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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