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Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Own Brand New Day?

Well, I have often lived by the unspoken motto of... not speaking - for fear of jinxing one's self, you understand. But as a blogger, that seems antithetical, and I'm in a really good mood for some reason.

I finally got a little sleep last night. Actually, it wasn't that much more than I've been getting, but it was at least straight-through. I got up and though I was still sleepy, I felt great! I've been blogging ever since.

Truthfully, there isn't a whole lot of news you haven't already heard. Comic-Con was heavily-covered by basically all outlets, and just about everyone in the industry is either still there or making their way home as I type, so there isn't a whole, whole lot to discuss.

Sci-Fi is running an all-day Eureka marathon and I've been watching it since it started. Don't worry if you have plans or whatever; they're rerunning it Tuesday before the third-season premiere.

I am going to read some more comics today and will likely get to at least one review before all is said and done, though it will probably be the very last thing I do tonight (so it is the first thing here Monday morning). No promises, since I really got deep into the Dark Conspiracy stuff last night and need to get back to it.

I have said it a million times before (however disjointedly) and will say it again: organization is key to good role-play gaming! I kept saying I knew I had all this information for DC, if only I could locate it, etc. In going through all the materials for it the past few nights and putting like items together, I realized just how often I had jotted an unrelated note on one item or another and it had been lost in the morass of papers, notes, character sheets, and so forth.

In fact, just by organizing the immediate materials, I not only realized how much content I had overlooked up to now, I realized that I have apparently misplaced a host of other stuff, as well! I'm such a packrat that I can't imagine the notes and information are simply "lost" but I have no idea where they are yet, so I have a project for the day... in addition to everything else.

And I'd still like to know how everyone who couldn't make it to Comic-Con spent their weekend!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

I still have yet to read a single comic, though I have to get my pull-list in my tomorrow, so I'm going to have to do something soon.

I'm watching Gene Simmons Family Jewels marathon now that Eureka is over. And really enjoying it. Like I said before, they really don't have to manufacture stuff for this show and it doesn't appear they have in the episodes I'm getting caught-up on - they're literally just following them around on their daily routines. And they're really good!

Still working on the gaming stuff, but I am about to have to take a break and get to the comics stuff.