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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Terminator: T4 and More

Supernatural and Chuck producer, McG, is directing the new Terminator Salvation (or T4) and Comic-Con attendees were treated to a sneak preview of the trailer this weekend.

McG admitted there were deliberate misinformation campaigns in-play, but said the late Stan Winston recorded a cameo in the film and that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's model T-800 robot was "indeed" a "part of the mythology."

The Sarah Connor Chronicles returns to FOX this fall for its second season. T4 will star The Dark Knight's Christian Bale and Helena Bonham-Carter.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

Some sources report that the original Terminator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger (Model 101), is unimpressed with the footage he has seen. He claims he cannot tell where the plot is going, nor even whom the bad guys are!