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Friday, August 08, 2008

Clay Aiken Surprises Tom Cruise

Clay Aiken's friend and record producer, Jaymes Foster, gave birth to a 6-lb, 2-oz. baby this morning. Clay Aiken claims to be the father.

Rumors persist that Aiken is gay, and while it really does not matter one way or the other, his effemininity and the fact that he squealed and did a pirouette in the waiting room do nothing but bolster this widespread assumption. Further, upon hearing the child was 19" long, Aiken's face positively glowed; following a whisper from one of his entourage, the double-platinum artist looked briefly disappointed, but followed up with a high-kick and under-the-leg clap. Unconfirmed sources tell The Rundown the child, only moments old, was "certified" gifted.

Upon hearing the news of Clay Aiken's baby's birth, Tom Cruise cackled hysterically, then flew away.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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