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Monday, August 11, 2008

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho

Well, back online doesn't mean everything's hunky-dory; it means I am working my little fingers to the bone here!

I am obviously putting out press releases and so forth to give you guys something to read while I work on the site, but that's where I'll be today and the immediate future. The cool thing is that the site looks better than ever - I finally got it about where/how I wanted it to begin with - and is more technically sound. This means I have finally been able to focus on the actual content.

Of course they won't be complete and they're far from perfect, but as soon as I can relaunch, the Champions material will finally be republished, the Dark Conspiracy section will be underway, and the Chill department will be back. Obviously, this is a lot of work, so just bear with me.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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