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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Update: The Weirding

If you have noticed a lot of the images are missing, it's because the site is down. Can't find The OddBlog or Weird Ink or The Cyberculturalist? The Weirding is down. Bored with life and thinking of attempting a sex change operation with a tuna can lid and 10-lb. fishing line?

Yeah, you are fucked-up! Seriously, I'd see someone. Really. I'm not judging or anything, I'm just saying. But The Weirding is still down.

I received a message this morning (sent sometime overnight), informing me that the transfer finally completed, but I cannot surf to the site by domain name nor IP address and mail is still inactive. I honestly just rolled out of bed (I've been lying there, watching handball and badminton for a while), so I figured I would give y'all an update first, then I will contact the host and registrar to get an ETA.

I have never transferred a domain - and after this particular episode, I don't know that I ever will again - so I'm not sure if this is normal for DNS propagation or whatever, but I would expect to be able to get to the site by IP address and receive mail, even if the domain name is still "working," so I'm going to find out more in a moment.

As for The Rundown, this may be the only post today. I worked on the site all day yesterday, but I honestly didn't get as far as I'd have liked. I tend to get lost in the details... But since I plan on leaving the 404 up for the week (or at least several days), it shouldn't be a problem. Of course, I need to be hard at work there, which means I can't be here. But we'll see how things go.

Assuming this is the last you hear from me today, enjoy your Olympics weekend and the archives - which, in case you haven't noticed, have been massively revamped!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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