
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Shameless Self-Promotion

I would like to implore everyone who can to take a moment and check out The Weirding, our home site. The Rundown is just the comics section of the actual site, just as Weird Ink is the writing section, and The Cyberculturalist deals largely with any and evreything dealing with Cyberculture; the RPGs section stands alone.

I realize these are old-hand, 1980's-type things, but gaming has always been part of my life and I spent an inordinate amount of time working on various games and campaigns throughout the years, so I thought it would be cool to share some of that with everyone.

The only reason I have not spent more time finishing and promoting the site is due to all sorts of personal issues. Given the amount of care and attention to which I pay these things, as well as the sheer number of games we cover, I really would have thought more people would like to check it out and comment. I realize tabletop RPGs are nowhere near as "popular" as they once were, but if you think you have outgrown them or just haven't bothered to mess with them in years, I beg you to check out some fo what I have done with some of your once favorite games!

And I am always looking for help, from volunteers to submissions, to guest-bloggers here and elsewhere. So please, contact me!

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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