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Monday, October 27, 2008

Chuck is My New Hero

Wow! Chuck just keeps getting better and they're skipping an episode next week for some SNL election promo spot.

Tonight's episode was one of the best so far - definitely in the top three. I had no idea Rush was considered a "nerd" band until a few years back. I have always loved Rush (I am a drummer, after all), but I was no big fan or anything. In my experience, Rush was always more of a gearhead band (motorheads - you know, the guys always tinkering with their muscle cars - I just didn't want to say "motorheads" to avoid confusion with the band)... and, of course, potheads.

As for Heroes... honestly? It's only on because nothing else is. After last week, I gave up on it. Going on three years is a long time to invest in something when you are continually disappointed by it - my longest romantic relationship was only one year! And I hated her! (Still do, I guess... not so much, though.)

Seriously though, Heroes started out as one of those "healthy" addictions - like working-out or eating well - and halfway through the first season, it took on all the hallmarks of a bad one: I kept doing it just because it had become a ritual; I kept hoping for that original "rush" that hooked me in the first place and kept being disappointed; and it was just sucking my time and life away with no return.

Maybe I'm in a better place now? I mean, no other network is going to program anything worth watching against it, so as long as I don't let it suck me back in, I'm safe with it just being around, right?

But isn't that what all addicts say?

No, no - come on! It's a... it's just a TV show! I can handle this. I can turn it off anytime I want.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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