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Monday, October 27, 2008

Technical Difficulties

Sorry, guys - couple-few technical difficulties today I am trying to deal with:

First of all, I was awakened at 5:45am by disrespectful neighbors and every time I've gotten back to sleep for a moment, the phone rings, the garbage truck comes - you know, the usual. But the real problems are kind of unrelated:

The cat did something to the power strip last night which killed it completely. Knocked out the TV, printer, and the modem. Connectivity has been kinda spotty ever since. I had to swap it out with the one on the other side of the room, so I'm down to one computer presently.

Also the Marvel press releases are going straight to the junk mail folder for no reason I can discern! Still trying to figure that one out. It's easy enough to rescue them, but obviously a time-waster, so I need to find out what's going on with that.

Anyway, still more to come, just have to get my bearings here and so forth.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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