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Saturday, November 22, 2008


What up, Nerds?

About the only thing on this end is me. The goobs next door kept me up literally until 6am! I can stand the loud music, the off-key singing, and so forth - it's the falling down. No kidding. I don't know if these young dudes are homo-erotically wrestling or have some sort of mobility issues (aside from the obvious - being knee-walking drunk), but whenever they pull one of these all-nighters, which is 2-3 times a week, a body hits the ground over there about once an hour. Hard. And they bang on the wall to my apartment constantly - not (I hope) in some sort of misguided, angry way - apparently trying to get to the bathroom or crackpipe or wherever it is they need to go that their legs seem so reluctant to carry them.

Anyway, I got up around 4:30-5:00 this morning and made breakfast, then finally managed to get back to sleep. I woke up for the day just after noon and got moving, even though I really do not feel like it.

Not much in the news in the way of comics and entertainment. Some kid in Florida killed himself online and everyone's up-in-arms over that. Don't get me wrong, it's awful and all that, I just mean everything else has been pushed to the backburner, so there isn't a whole lot to report. And this is one of those rare weeks where I actually got most of the press releases out on time, so there's nothing there, either.

And I could pass-out right across the keyboard at any moment.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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