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Sunday, December 07, 2008

I Support Amber Smith

Fellow fans of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew know who Amber Smith is - entertainment and sports fans, as well as 90% of all (even just mostly) straight guys my age probably do, too (even if they do not watch the show). And, of all the current rehabbers this season, I wanted to write this post of support specifically for her.

My grandmother was almost the spitting image (personality-wise) of Amber Smith's mom and I have long, red hair - I feel I can truly relate to her, though maybe not her plight. On several occasions, she's said she believes a stable relationship would help her. Even her mom hopes she finds someone to settle down with.

I want to let Amber Smith know that I am open to dating her. Just, you know, dating the living shit out of her. I would date her little, designer boots off pretty much every free moment I have. I would make free moments to date her.

Because that's the kind of guy I am.

I certainly do not see her as any sort of failure and believe she has a very bright future ahead - specifically with me. Maybe it is because I can relate to her so well that I can see past her addiction to the supermodel within. And I would just date the hell out of that special someone. Now how many guys can say that - and really mean it?

In fact, I often envision dating her while watching Celebrity Rehab - at various award shows, at the local Dollar General, against a wall - and I believe it would help us both. Immensely. The scene where she was on her knees, bent over the trashcan, furiously working her tongue with two fingers, but her gag reflex just did not want to kick-in, touched me - deeply. It so moved me, I recorded it, and sometimes watch it over and over again until I am just rigid with pure emotion.

So, Miss Amber Smith, I sincerely hope everything works out for you and that you get your life together and to the point you deserve it to be. But just know that there will be setbacks, and so long as I am dating you, I am willing to see you through those setbacks; thick and thin, good times and bad - I will support you in every way. I will stay on top of you and be firmly behind you, no matter how long it takes, no matter how hard things get. I will find a way to get inside you and fill you with the hope you need to make it through - over and over and over again. Sometimes I will be rough, sometimes I will be gentle (but firm) - whatever you want from me, whatever works best for us both. But, I mean, mostly you.

While others may say it, I promise you I will follow through.

I, Amber Smith, will date you.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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