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Monday, January 26, 2009

The Downside to Semi-Success

It is far from accurate to say, after some 10 years, I am finally a "success," but with the recent traffic both The Rundown and The Weirding have seen, I find it fair to say there has been a small surge of interest, as late. And that is not without its downside.

Last week, I had a 22-hour day followed by an 18-hour day. I have not been eating very well, as I have not taken the time to actually cook anything, and I haven't showered since the weekend... That's not "TMI," that's the reality I'm facing!

I was asked to guest on a popular blog, am putting together a contest so I can share some swag with all y'all this Spring, am trying to keep up with the other blogs, and try to finish the original content for the site while simultaneously tweaking what's already in place. And keep up with the quickly sinking ship what is my personal financial position! Further, having learned that the template we have in place here may be hurting our standing in the search engines (due to coding errors - it was ported from a WordPress template), and wanting to take advantage of Blogger's new "gadgets" feature, it look like I'm going to have to spend some time dealing with all of that, as well.

I'm also thinking of changing the name. Just for the record, we had this name since at least 2003 and most of the rundown domains (which were already taken) started appearing only after we became a (very) modest hit back in 2006 or so. Still, it wasn't like I put a whole lot of thought into the whole thing; when I first started "blogging," I used bulleted lists to "rundown" stuff I found interesting - that consisted of basically every entry up to a certain point, when I did a full review or rant of some kind and gravitated away from that format. Unlike the talentless, cutthroat businessmen who scavenge the Web, I'm not about fighting over "keywords" and crap like that, but no matter what I change the name to - regardless of how original - it will soon be seized-upon by (butt)pirates and squatters, so it's not a major priority. Never has been and that's why I "settled" on this one.

Always remember the original Rundown has two things you will find almost nowhere else online: originality and talent. So what's in a name?

I sincerely wish I could afford to hire someone else or knew some tech-savvy someone who was as passionate about Nerdery as I am - and is reliable. Unfortunately, there is only me to handle all of these things, and I only have so much time. This is not just a lamentation; I'm saying you're just going to have to deal with things being kinda slow for the time-being. If anyone would like to guest blog, please contact me and we'll get you setup with an account. Thanks!

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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