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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Michael George Case to Go Before Supreme Court?

While Michael George's recent conviction was overturned by a Circuit Court judge for lack of evidence, overreaching prosecutors are now seeking to have the case reviewed by the Supreme Court. George attended court in a wheelchair, barely able to stand on his own; he has lost over 50 lbs. in recent months, as his health declines. His attorneys insist this is due to stress over the continuing case.

The Rundown has intentionally stayed away from this case for several reasons. First of all, there is only circumstantial evidence of Michael George's involvement in the crime. Secondly, District Attorneys throughout America - specifically in the so-called "red states" - have increasingly become a serious threat to innocent citizens' freedom and health, and their actions should always be questioned. Lastly, there have been so many twists and turns in this particular case that it would be too much work to follow; many major news outlets have picked it up so you can follow it elsewhere, and get better coverage to boot.

I have no idea if Michael George killed his wife or had anything to do with her murder, but I have every idea that the prosecuting attorneys have found a meal ticket in this case; regardless of the fact that they have no real evidence to support their theory that Michael George murdered his wife, they've found widespread media fame in their pursuit, and that's what they're really after - "justice" is always an afterthought with these horrible "people."

OTOH, the evidence they do have - circumstantial though it is - paints an ugly picture of what appears to be a very self-centered, self-serving man. Of course, there's no law against being an asshole (if there were, every prosecuting DA in the land would be in jail - which is where they should be, anyway), so that alone does not prove George is guilty of killing his wife.

Still, I am staying away from this case. While I wish Michael George the best because I alone can maintain a presumption of innocence, I admonish him for his behavior. If he did kill his wife, then every Georgia official who originally investigated this case should be charged with obstruction; if he didn't, then I figure he's getting his comeuppance for a lifetime of selfishness - the evidence which has been presented has certainly convinced me that Michael George is that much - and while I hope justice is one day truly served on behalf of the deceased, I hope he spends the rest of his misbegotten life trying to make amends across the board.

Another hearing is scheduled for February 12th; the case is on-hold while the Supreme Court decides whether or not to get involved. Georgia is the same state which tried to convict a comic book store owner on felony charges for distributing "pornographic materials" to minors and has vowed to continue fighting it as a misdemeanor after losing; they're a bunch of backward hicks on a misguided "mission from God."

The time for these "cowboys" is done, and the rest of the world agrees. It's time to grow up, America.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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