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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sex & the City Sequel Cemented

"Not all the contracts are signed, but everyone is on board," an insider told Us magazine. Yes, it appears Carrie Bradshaw and the girls are headed back to the silver screen. The article went on to note all of the starlets were getting raises - and couldn't help itself when it reminded readers that Kim Cattrall had delayed the first flick for years, due to Sarah Jessica Parker's "much higher paycheck." Mrraow!

While Warner Bros. "could not be reached for comment," The Rundown feels confident in agreeing the movie is a go. Sex & the City was a whole lot of fun in the beginning and had its ups and downs along the way, but by the final season, it was little more than a Gossip Girl for the 30-something spinster "30, flirty, and thriving" single gal. Sex & the City: The Movie made enough money to fill a walk-in closet, so I can't imagine any reason Sex & the City: The Sequel won't make it past the boardroom.

Cattrall publicly announced the sequel's greenlight a couple months back, saying shooting would begin in the summer, but Sarah Jessica Parker publicly admonished her with a snide, "...all the deals are not yet done." Parker has a new HBO series in the works, The Washingtonienne, which promises to be a lot like Sex & the City, only in DC and with younger chicks. Parker is producing.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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