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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Um... As to My Lack of Success

Since yesterday, Dark Conspiracy @ The Weirding has gotten somewhere around 1500 hits. At least 1489 of those have gone straight to 404 because someone Stumbled the site back when it was on another server, which automatically changed all letters to lowercase!

I'm working on it, guys. And I apologize. But I've been trying to figure out the high bounce rate for the last two days, thanks to the fact that Stumble Upon sends me directly to an ad, asking me to setup a campaign; I had to get into about 10 different programs before I finally figured out it had the wrong URL.

I redirected it, which completely hosed the system. I then had to fix that, but now it's just... hosed.

I'm working on it, though!

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

As it turns out, I may not have had a problem at all; it may have been the program I was using which changed everything to lowercase letters...

At any rate, I finally fixed it and ensured that regardless of the case, visitors will be directed to the correct page.