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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day

Yep: The Weirding got frozen-out today. Apparently, there is an exposed fiber cable somewhere in/around Kentucky. Traffic is being rerouted through - you guessed it - the router which The Weirding uses. Which means intermittent connectivity.

There is little more frustrating than intermittent connectivity. Unlike no connectivity, you can get online - even do most things - until you suddenly can't. Intermittent connectivity is your junior-high girlfriend - unless you went with a slut: French kissing is okay some of the times but you never know which ones, and once in a while, you catch some boob. But attempts to go any further result in tears and cries of, "Why!? Why!?" And sometimes, she'd get upset, too.

I started three different posts today, only to lose everything I was doing. I called a half-dozen times - and it takes a good 2-3 minutes to get through the damned menus before you even get put on-hold - only to be told "call times may exceed half an hour"! But I finally got a good dude who agreed that I was getting "severe" drag. He became particularly concerned when he tried pinging the router, so he escalated the ticket, but told me it may well be tomorrow before I see a real improvement.

Things appear to be surfing okay now, if still slow, but I've already lost the day. I have a guest spot to finish (which turned out to be much larger than I expected) and the site to keep me busy, so depending on how things go, I may have one or two more things for you throughout the late evening; otherwise, I hope I'll see you tomorrow!

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

I'm getting an early jump on things to try and make-up for losing yesterday. Things appear fine so far, but I'm not going to promise anything; we'll just have to see how it goes.